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Clearing horse hooves

- ... Is your horse shod? – No 🤠 – Why????! she's going to rub her hooves!!!!! (WITH)

MY ANSWER IS ALWAYS NO ❗🤠 Will not erase. Healthier than proper, well-trimmed hooves - yes

Clearing horse hooves
Clearing horse hooves

Certain options for the need for forging.

consider the exception to be separate options for the need for forging, these include:

1 . Orthopedics - the inability to save the horse's hoof and leg without additional fixation: incomplete hoof capsule, pathological physical changes in the coffin bone, injuries, as well as an excessively thin layer of the plantar part.

2. Using a horse on hard or rocky ground (riding a horse in the city, in the mountains, etc.)

3 . Serious sports: high-altitude show jumping, smooth racing, barrier (steeple chase), triathlon, driving and so on. Clearing the horse's hooves, I will try to explain correctly (the so-called hoof trimming) The horse's hoof is a special mechanism.

According to its structure, it would seem that it is just a horn capsule, but inside it hides a whole world! The hoof is a real pump, which expands every time it touches the ground, pumping the horse's blood through the veins and the more correctly the collision with the surface occurs (i.e. at the ideal angle), the better it functions, and thus brings more benefits to the horse's body in in general). You need to start working with the horse's hoof, as they say, "from small nails." Many foals have malformations or malpositions from birth, which can go away on their own within a few weeks. in which case the baby will find a normal postav in a natural way. However, there are those foals who are unlucky and the structure of their limbs remains impaired due to heredity or pathology of the expiration of the foal (torn end, contracture). There is even a proverb “There is no horse without a hoof”. It’s really better not to say, because it and its internal structures are most important for the health of the entire limb as a whole!

What is extremely important and useful to know about the Horn of the hoof capsule :

1 . The hoof wall (horny layer) practically does not absorb oils, hoof ointments and something else (which is so actively imposed on us by advertising) ONLY WATER is absorbed!

2. The content of water and fat is of great importance and does not affect the elasticity of the horn. A high percentage of water and fat content gives the hoof excellent buffering properties - if the hooves begin to dry and the horn becomes hard, they crumble and atrophy, like nails that lack vitamins. Similarly, fats and most of the substances useful for the hoof horn are much more effective to maintain in the horse’s body from the inside: proper nutrition, high-quality top dressing, and vitamin supplements., Rather than from the outside, rubbing oils and expensive creams into the horse to exhaustion. It is also helpful to moisten the horse's bedding by simply pouring water from a watering can.

3 . ! Ammonia! Contained in horse urine destroys the horn! It has a corrosive effect. It can also lead to frog rot and delamination of the sole and wall of the hoof. That's why it's so important! cleanliness and hygiene always during the repulsed (removed) stall (horse stall).

4 . The horn is resistant to corrosive substances such as acids

5 . The horn is a bad conductor of heat, this hooves do not freeze (!) In the cold. Clearing a horse's hoof is not possible without knowing how the hoof itself works. It can also lead to frog rot and delamination of the sole and wall of the hoof. That's why it's so important! cleanliness and hygiene always during the repulsed (removed) stall (horse stall).

Coffin bone. It is located directly in the hoof capsule, connected to the sensitive lamellar layer and the insensitive stratum corneum.

Navicular bone. It is small, located behind the coffin joint, formed by the coffin and coronoid bones.

Nerves. There are many nerves in the hoof that go through the puta and divide into many thin branches, where these branches further divide into many endings that provide tactile and pain sensitivity to the lamellar layer.

Blood vessels . There is a dense network of vessels in and around the capsule. Blood enters the hoof through two arteries and provides it with the necessary substances, the outflow of blood goes through the veins.

Arrow . It is formed mainly by subcutaneous connective tissue and consists of thin fibrous tissue with a fairly rigid structure. The frog plays a huge role in the operation of the hoof mechanism, cushioning it, and protecting it by expanding it in the heel. If you regularly (at least once every one and a half months) and correctly (!) trim the horse, observe the medial-lateral balance, maintain the hoof horn and frog in a healthy state - you will avoid many problems! And if there are no indications for shoeing, except for the above factors of an excessively high load on the hooves, then shoeing is just the imposition of extra paid services.

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