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Horse riding: 10 tips for beginners

For some it is a sport, for others it is original entertainment, and for others it is a hobby of aristocrats. It is about horse riding - an activity that will not leave anyone indifferent.

When you come to visit us at the Pinar Horse Safari, you should definitely book the safari tours.

Horse riding: 10 tips for beginners
Horse riding: 10 tips for beginners

Communicating with a horse helps relieve stress and fatigue, develop muscles and improve posture. Such leisure will give you pleasant emotions, and it is an integral part of summer vacation in the Marmaris .

You should not worry about the fact that you are new to this business. We have collected the most valuable tips that will help you feel confident and comfortable on the arena.

1. Reject stereotypes

The first thing you should not worry about is age. If we are talking about equestrian sports, you can start from 10-12 years old. But for amateurs there is no minimum age as such. Of course, it is better to start with riding a pony under the guidance of an experienced instructor. The upper age threshold is also quite conditional. Focus on your health and physical condition.

2. Do not ignore contraindications

Horseback riding is still a type of physical activity, and it is worth considering the peculiarities of the body. Doctors do not recommend riding a horse in case of inflammatory diseases of internal organs, varicose veins, diseases of the pelvic organs and joints. Horse riding is also contraindicated for pregnant women. But don't worry, we can offer you no less interesting leisure options .

3. Make friends with a horse

It is important to realize that a horse is an intelligent creature, not an analogue of a car. In order for both you and the animal to feel comfortable with each other, it is important to establish contact. Show her care: bring her an apple or a carrot. Also remember that sudden movements and screams can scare the animal.

4. Let the instructor teach you

At first glance, it may seem that a few training videos will be enough to feel confident in the saddle. But this is not enough even for amateur skating, not to mention equestrian sports. Having a coach is primarily a matter of safety. It is he who will give you theoretical knowledge, conduct safety training and supervise its implementation.

5. Don't ignore the theory

Equestrian sport is an activity that definitely cannot be started without theoretical training. Therefore, do not ignore the safety rules. For example, you can't approach a horse from behind, because it can instinctively hit you.

6. Follow the traditions

Some riding rules may seem strange and unnecessary, but they must be followed. For example, according to tradition, you should sit on a horse from the left side. The fact is that many centuries ago riders carried a sword or a sword on their left side, so it was much easier to throw over the right leg. This tradition has survived, and if you, out of ignorance, start to mount a horse on the right side, it can get scared.

7. Choose appropriate clothes

Of course, the horse will not judge your appearance. But the right choice of clothes will help you feel comfortable. For a horse ride, it is better to wear stretchy pants or leggings, closed shoes, a loose sweater or T-shirt. In the autumn and winter period, be sure to wear gloves, because riders' hands get cold quite quickly.

8. Keep your distance

When riding on the arena, it is important to keep a distance from other riders. If you are riding one behind the other, you should always be able to see the hooves of the horse in front - this is a sign that the chosen distance is safe.

9. Do not feed the horse immediately after a long walk

It is better to give the treat to the horse immediately, because it is forbidden to feed and drink it after the lesson. This can lead to problems with the animal's health.

10. Take care of the trainer early

Going on vacation to theMarmaris, you can immediately book a convenient time for classes with the instructor of the Pinar Horse Safari. So you will definitely be sure that noble animals, new knowledge and unforgettable emotions will be part of your vacation.

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