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10 TIPS FOR FEEDING A SKIN HORSE Is your horse too thin ? A horse with a sunken appearance on the sides behind the ribs is a sign of a lack of roughage. If you can see your horse's ribs and his hindquarters has a sunken appearance (the hipbone ridges are clearly visible), then your horse is really weak. It's also possible that your horse isn't too lean, but needs a little more muscle definition . In this article, we will see how to fatten a horse to solve this problem . REASONS FOR A SKIN HORSE


A weak horse can have several causes:

  • Diet not rich enough in energy and protein

  • Your horse may have a worm infection

  • Teeth may not be in good condition leading to poor digestion of food.

  • An older horse's digestive system may become less efficient, leading to a reduction in body size.

  • Your horse may have lost weight due to illness.

HOW TO GET LUBRICANT ON A SKIN HORSE When you notice that your horse is too thin, it is important to first look for the cause. It may not be absorbing enough energy , which means giving it more fiber , fat , and protein . But he may also have a problem that makes him weak. Here are 10 tips to help you bring your lean horse back to its ideal weight . 1. PLAN BLOOD TESTS AND COPROLOGICAL EXAMINATION If it is not just a lack of food for your horse, you can have a blood test done. A blood test will examine the medical causes of the horse's weakness. For example, a blood test to see if the liver , kidneys , and intestines are working properly.will check . Or if inflammatory processes or a virus are involved. Coprological examination examines possible worms and grit in the stool. Both examinations can be done by a veterinarian. 2. CHECK THE TEETH A horse with dental problems may suddenly start to eat less and therefore lose weight . So always make sure to have the teeth checked by the dentist as well. If your teeth, blood, and coprological exams come back clean, you can start a special diet to promote weight gain. Your veterinarian should be able to assist you effectively in this regard. 3. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE QUALITY FORAGE Horses cannot thrive on poor quality hay and straw . A horse that needs to gain weight should be fed nutritious hay or hay and roughage or hard-to-digest roughage should be avoided. The quality and nutritional value of forages may vary from batch to batch . You will need to have your straw tested if you want to be absolutely sure of its quality .

  • dry matter content

For horses, an average dry matter content of 650-700 is observed in the barn. This means that the feed consists of 65-70% dry matter and 30-35% water. You need to feed the kilograms of silage relatively, because most of it is just moisture.

  • energy value

You can also view the energy value and protein content. Both of these values ​​must be quite high for a lean horse to gain weight. The average energy value in dry matter is 0.65. The average protein value is 78 grams per kg of dry matter.

  • Vitamins, minerals and trace elements

If roughage has been produced in fertilized soil, mineral and trace element levels are usually regular. However, this does not apply to forages produced on unfertilized soil. It is then usually necessary to supplement with concentrates or a supplement. 4. FEED UNLIMITED roughage Feed a weak horse an unlimited amount of roughage . Horses naturally search for food all day. Unlimited amounts of roughage will allow your horse to eat all day long and gain weight faster . 5. GIVE YOUR HORSE (LONGER) OUTDOOR GRASSAGE TIME Horses usually reach their ideal weight faster when grazing outside. Contains more energy and protein than fresh grass, straw and silage. So, if possible, make sure your horse can eat plenty of grass. Many horses spend less time on pastures in the winter than in the summer. Grasses do not grow in winter and their level is lower. For this reason, you will often see horses lose some weight in the fall and winter months . Consider the fructan content of grass during outdoor grazing season, especially if your horse is sensitive to sugars. 6. PREFER EXTENDED GRANULES AND/OR FLOODED MUSLIA Feed a horse or pony that needs to gain weight on an energy-dense, easily digestible diet.try feeding. Therefore, give preference to heat-opened concentrates (in granules and puffed in muesli). The raw materials are heated under pressure, which makes the starch almost completely digestible in the small intestine. The appendix and large intestine then produce much less lactic acid . Therefore, acidity does not decrease and no toxins are formed due to the death of microorganisms. 7. FEED WITH A DIET WITH A HIGH RATE OF LIQUID OR FAT Petroleum is a sustainable energy source. Your horse's energy level will increase but will not overheat. Add vegetable oil to her diet or opt for a concentrate with a slightly higher fat content. 8. ADAPT THE DIET TO WORKAdjust it according to the work your horse has to do . If you've been training a lot and have noticed that your horse is getting a little too thin, this may be an indication that your horse isn't consuming enough energy and protein for the job it's doing. In this case, it is recommended to switch to an energy-rich bite or muesli or an additional ingredient. 9. GIVE YOUR HORSE ENOUGH PROTEIN Feed specially designed for pregnant and nursing mares and young horses will always have a higher protein content because these horses need a special diet for optimum growth . They also promote muscle growth .They are the types of feed that can be preferred for a weak horse. An older horse will have a less efficient digestive system and will be able to digest protein less efficiently than a younger horse. An older horse will therefore need a relatively larger amount of protein in its diet to maintain both . weights and muscle mass . 10. SUPPORT HORSE BOTTOM HEALTH WITH DESUGEDED BEET MEAL Beet pulp is an excellent supplement for weak horses. This product contains pectin, a soluble fiber that can be digested even more easily than the fiber of other roughages. This beet pulp is therefore a great source of very slow release energy and is ideal for all types of horses and ponies. pectinIt has a prebiotic effect. This means that fiber supports the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestines. BONUS TIP: Fenugreek for Horses To help your horse gain weight, giving fenugreek can be helpful. Indeed, this dietary supplement is beneficial in several points. It doesn't just whet the horse's appetite and this helps to increase the appetite. But in addition to this, it is rich in protein (over 20% protein content) that promotes muscle mass gain in the horse. FEEDING A HORSE: WHAT NOT TO DO You'll probably hear a number of "tips" that you absolutely should not do that will help your horse gain weight. Never give large quantities of cracked corn, silage or cornmeal to fatten your horse. Corn can make a horse fat quickly, but it is very difficult for horses to digest. The horse may suffer from gas colic or diarrhea when undigested corn enters the large intestine and appendix. So watch out for it!


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