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What season is horse safari in Marmaris?

If you are looking for a fun and relaxing way to explore the beautiful nature of Marmaris, Turkey, you might want to consider going on a horse safari. A horse safari is an activity where you ride a horse through scenic trails, forests and rivers, accompanied by professional guides. You don't need any experience or special skills to enjoy this adventure, as the horses are well-trained and friendly.

What season is horse safari in Marmaris?
What season is horse safari in Marmaris?

But when is the best time to go on a horse safari in Marmaris? The answer depends on your preferences and expectations. Here are some factors to consider:

- Weather: Marmaris has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters. The average temperature ranges from 10°C in January to 28°C in July. The rainy season is from November to March, while the dry season is from April to October. If you want to avoid the heat and crowds of summer, you might prefer spring or autumn, when the weather is more pleasant and the nature is more colorful. If you don't mind the cold and wet weather, you might enjoy winter, when Marmaris is quieter and more peaceful.

- Availability: Horse safari tours are available every day between April 4th and October 31st. You can choose between morning or afternoon sessions, depending on your schedule. The tours last for about four hours, including pick-up and drop-off from your hotel. You can book online or through your travel agent. The price varies depending on the tour operator, but it usually ranges from £15 to £25 per person .

- Experience: Horse safari tours are suitable for all ages and skill levels. You don't need any previous riding experience or special equipment. You will be given a helmet and a brief instruction before you start. The horses are placid and well-behaved, so you can relax and enjoy the ride. The guides are friendly and knowledgeable, and they will make sure you have a safe and enjoyable time.

- Scenery: Horse safari tours take place in Camli village, which is about 15 km away from Marmaris on the way to Cleopatra Island. Camli village is located in the lushest area of Marmaris National Park, which offers stunning views of mountains, forests, rivers and wildlife. You will ride through pine trees, olive groves, orange orchards and wildflowers. You will also cross streams and rivers where you can cool off your feet or even swim with your horse if you wish .

As you can see, horse safari tours in Marmaris are a great way to experience nature at its best. No matter what season you choose to go, you will have an unforgettable adventure that will make your holiday more memorable.

So what are you waiting for? Book your horse safari tour today!

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